Team Pre-Launch I

In the last post (My Turn) i have published the idea that I’m collecting a team for helping our colleges to raise up our level in IT careers and i have said that we will make some sessions for free, the idea is making a series of sessions weekly in a company that will be a sponsor for the team for 4 hours at least having 1 or 2 or even 3 sessions in different IT sections or soft-skills. Then , to explain the idea.. if you know that you are weekly will learn some thing that is new for you like a technology, a new programming language, or even a lesson in computer science you will accept the idea and save the time to attend these events and develop your self …. The team will consists of me as a founder and some very efficient Engineers (Students) in our faculty .. we will concatenate sub teams to work together and start sharing projects between us.. the first launch of this team will be the first week in the next term or actually in February 2011 but we already working now in the preparing step and making an official web site for the team that will be launched soon and the announcement of the team and it’s name and the registration for the team sessions will be published will be published soon isA …..:)
We need your feeds because it’s very important to me and to the team also and i’m here for any inquiry….
Thanks for your Care .. 😉

My Turn

Today, university is a large theater for any training center to take you right or left and there is less who know the truth of these training centers and can distinguish between the best and the worst. from here comes my turn to make a new Team that has free services for any student in all the university and make all the difference to the knowledge of training, I’ll make my best and all the Stuff i have chosen will make the same to give the best quality to the investors who will attend our sessions.

the details of the team will be published in the next post.